How to viral tiktok video, get viral on tiktok.

How to viral Tiktok video| get viral on Tiktok

How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

Have you been noticing a decreasing of views and the number of followers that you've been getting on TikTok recently? It's probably because the best to be posting on TikTok has recently changed.

There are three new times you need to make sure that you're posting it in addition to that there are several things that I still see so many small.

 Creators doing that are causing them to see a decrease in both the number of views they're getting and the number of followers they're getting so in this article we're going to cover the three best times.
 I'm going to cover those mistakes so that you can begin to implement these changes and see massive results this Creator just implemented the changes from the video and gained over 50 000 followers in just 30 days.

 This Creator over a hundred thousand followers and both these creators were in the same situation that you're in right now they might have been decreasing the views that they were getting or even losing followers and they were able to turn that around by simply implementing the things that I'm about to share with you in this video but before we could dive into it I need you to smash that subscribe button if you want to grow quicker on Tik Tok Instagram or YouTube.

 I literally upload a video about I had to run these platforms every single day in addition to that I created a free Tick Tock growth course you could get at the link in the pin comment below it's going to share with you things like the best hashtags to be using right now and so much more additionally changes to the TikTok algorithm finally here's my phone number please shoot me a text message.

How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

I want to help you grow on TikTok in fact I literally quit my job working for gave to help you grow on TikTok so please make sure you take advantage of that first and foremost the first best time to be posting on Tick Tock right now is going to be from 9 30 a.m to 11AM now you need to understand something this is going to be for your specific time zone.

 I get this question all the time Rob what time zone should I be posting and should I do it in California time should I do it in London time should I do it in Eastern time it should be for wherever you are and if your geo location changes well then guess what you're gonna have to change the time that you're posting at because it's going to be relevant because you need to understand Tick Tock is going to push your content out to people around you unless you make a video about a specific location before anything else.

So let's give you an example if you upload a video about anything in California your content's going to get pushed to people In California first but if you're in California and you upload a video about things to do during Christmas time in New York City.

Then it will get pushed to New York City and people that just travel to New York City but you need to take this into consent operation because I'm gonna guess that 99 of you are not creating content that is about something that is totally not where you're from so you need to make sure that you consider this now there are a few mistakes that I see so many creators make when it comes to this then.

I need to make sure that you're not making first and foremost you need to make sure that you wait at least 60 Minutes in between each one of your posts you do not want to post back to back you don't want to post 30 minutes after you just post it because if you do not wait you're not going to be eligible to show enough for you.

How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

Pidge again for people to follow you or people that consistently watch your content and if you don't know how Tick Tock works there's going to be an audience for the content that you upload on so let's do an example if you upload a fitness video and then you upload another Fitness video 30 minutes later all the people that were eligible to see that first video will not be eligible to see that second video you need to make sure that you're waiting at least 60 minutes and then they'll be re-eligible.

so the size of the audience will be bigger because if you don't understand this if the size of the audience is smaller well your post isn't going to get pushed out then if it's a tiny audience in addition to that you need to make sure that you are not posting when you're followers are online I see so many creators make this mistake instead you should be posting during the three-time slots I share with you in this article by the way.

The last one is by far the most important or you should be posting at the best time for your actual audience that you were trying to reach notice I said the audience that you're trying to reach not the followers that you have way too many creators post according to when their followers are online or when their live says that they should be posting and that is one of the biggest mistakes that you could possibly make on TikTok it works for Instagram it works for YouTube.

It does not work for tick tock instead you need to be posting during the best Time slot for your audience if you don't know what that is I'm going to share with you, in just a little bit but for right now the second best time to be posting is from 2 to 4 30 p.m and I'm sure you're probably wondering is that it all I have to do is the post at these times no that is not the only thing you also need to make sure that the actual content that you're creating is going to be trending either broadly on Tick Tock or within the niche that you're posting it because if you're not creating content that people are interested in well then guess what nobody's going to be seeing your content the way.

How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

 TikTok actually determines whether or not to push out your content whether or not it looks like posts that have done well before on Tick Tock which is why reposting your own content works on Tick Tock I get this question all the time always in the comment section say Rob can I post content from somebody else's tick-tock on mine no you cannot do that, in fact, you can't even post content from a TikTok that you own on your own Tick Tock because Tick Tock is going to look at this as copyright they're gonna look like you're stealing somebody else's content you need to make sure that you're making changes to it if you want to use somebody else's content in your post the best way to do it is to stitch or do edit now before I share with you the absolute best time for you to be posting on Tick Tock.

I need to make sure that you understand something it is easier to grow on TikTok right  now than it ever has been before and  monetization updates are coming to TikTok in early 2023 what does that mean that means that you need to be taking this opportunity seriously you need to make sure that you're posting at the right time you need to make sure that you're posting the right content you need to make sure that you're Niche down one thing that I see so many creators doing wrong on TikTok is one post
they'll do about baseball the next one they'll do about football the next one they'll do about basketball the next one about soccer you need need to be niched down people need to know what to expect from your page it's going to be entertainment or Vlog lifestyle type entertainment that is fine but you need
to play into that there needs to be a personality there needs to be a storyline there needs to be other people that come into the content there needs to be drama that type of content only works if it's drama based and if you're trying to go viral on TikTok.

How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

You need to understand that there are two types of content right now in TikTok there's recommended content and in this  search content search content you could get a million 10 million views but it's  going to take a long period of time because people are going to have to  search for that thing and then they get recommended other videos and then you're gradually going to ground but if you want to get recommended you need to be doing outlandish things, 

for example, one of the easiest niches that I see right now growing within this sector is public interviews and you can do public interviews on anything you could do it around cars you could do it around construction you could do around the interior design you could do it just around money all of these different things nevertheless it always features new characters there's always some kind of hook you're always waiting for the next thing and that's why this content works you need to learn something from that I'm not saying that you have to implement that in your content but you need to learn something from that and say oh this is how I could do this in my Niche so that it'll actually work and ultimately it's going to allow you to get more views now.

 I know I mentioned earlier for the best 20 posting for your specific account so I want to tell you exactly how to do that the way that you do that you need to look in the last 14 days look at your trending posts if you go into your analytics you will be able to see this on Tick Tock.

Now what you're going to do you're going to want to take the top five of those posts you're going to want to see when they were posted and then what you want to do you want to add 30 minutes before that 30 minutes after that let's do a prime example if you had three posts that did the best that were posted from 7 30 to 8 then you're going to want to add 30 minutes before that so seven o'clock 30 minutes after that 8 30 and then you're going to want to get out as many pieces of content as you can during that time period now you're probably thinking Rob I thought you said before that we have to wait 60 Minutes you're right you do have to wait 60 minutes so you would be able to get out two posts during that time slot and I recommend that you continue to do that but you should be posting 80 of your
content that you're actually putting out during the best time to be posting on your specific channel the other 20 of time.

I strongly suggest testing random times you might test 6 AM you might test one in the morning you need to make sure that you're testing because the best time to be posting to reach
your specific audience is going to be constantly changing.

I mean let's give you an example right now so many people are off of work right now so many people are off of school right now so what does that mean it means that their habits are going to change the time that they're on their phone is going to change and what this means is at the time that your audience is going to be online is going to change and you need to make sure that you understand that you're competing with all the other posts on TikTok. 

What does this mean this means that if somebody is in the fitness Niche you're competing against other channels to get your video shown to them so what does this mean your watch time has to be on point your hook has to be on point there needs to be a payoff for actually watching your video.
How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

When you look at the majority of the videos that went viral on tick tock not only were they posted at the time that I'm about to share with you but they also had a really strong hook they had over 70 retentions for The first three seconds of the video had a big payoff at the end ideally a shock or something that made somebody laugh a lot of them was posted from 7 pm to 11 pm which is going to be the best time to be posting on Tick Tock right now.

 I know you probably think Rob is that it all I have to do
is post it the right time no that's not it you also need to be using the right hashtags putting the right description making the right content and you're probably wondering how on Earth am I supposed to know everything to do well if you want me to tell you everything to do like what you should be posting what your call to action should be so you could turn your views into followers on Tick Tock and ultimately you want to learn exactly how you could get guaranteed followers on Tick Tock well then you need to keep watching this video because I'm going to share with you exactly how we can work together.

I'll tell you what to post when to post what hashtags use and so much more to guarantee that you grow on Tick Tock if that sounds interesting to you well then keep watching this video the opportunity to grow on Tick Tock and this organic reach is not going to last forever and the only thing separating you from the creators that I mentioned in this video is one that you haven't implemented this
stepsons video yet and two you haven't gotten into my mentorship program where I literally guarantee that I can help you grow on Tik Tok if you register for this program I'm going to tell you exactly what to post when to post what hashtags to use and I'm going to critique your content for 30 days in order to
guarantee that you grow on Tik Tok you heard that right if you don't grow on Tick Tock in this program you get your money back to zero questions asked.

 The average person that has joined the program in the last 30 days gained over 50 000 followers and the lowest amount of followers anybody has ever gained in the program is 6500 followers if you want results like that and I'm guessing that since you're still watching this video you're probably above average so you'll probably see more than 50 000 followers in just 30 days no matter what Niche you're in no matter what background you're from none of that stuff matters the only thing that matters is you need a social media coach you need somebody telling you what to post when to post what hashtags use so that you get results faster and you get results a lot easier if that sounds interesting go to the link in the description below there are limited spots available and the price is going to be going up in 2023.
How to viral video Tiktok| get viral on Tiktok

So please make sure you check this out this is the same exact program Jewel magician used to gain over 16 million followers that ad moves use to gain over 14 million followers that two VOCs used to gain over 10 million followers and thousands of other creators.

 I'm telling you guys this opportunity is not going to last forever if you want to take advantage of tick tock you need to invest in I'm telling you guys this opportunity is not going to last forever if you want to take advantage of tick tock you need to invest in this before the price goes up.

Before there are no spots available so that you can guarantee that you grow on Tick Tock at the end of the day you have absolutely nothing to lose you're either going to grow on Tick Tock or you are going to get your money back with zero questions to ask to go to the link in the description and sign up right now before spots run out and by the way if you're not interested in that just check out the two videos I'm gonna put up on the screen because the other videos that YouTube thinks you should watch next thank you so much for reading.

thank you.

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